Monday, 21 May 2012

This little piggy never made it to the market.


 Biology. We have that class in Australia yes, we’re fairly civilised. But I have never heard of any Biology class in Oz doing what I had to do in my Biology class. I can still taste the formaldehyde...


...a fetal pig

Eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeessssssss. After I had a little cry (not because I was sad, my eyes were burning from the piggy stench) my lab partner Evan and I got down to business! The number 1 rule our teacher had was NO MUTILATION OF ANY KIND. He told us this everyday because everyday we got a score out of 100 on how well we did and that score goes towards our final grade which was important at this point because school was almost out. Pretty easy to get a 100. All you have to do is listen and try. Simple. 

First we drained the juices from our piglet 

Then we had to pull up on it’s eyelid with tweezers and give it a little snippity snip to expose the eye ball

Then we had to cut up it’s little piggy mouth for some reason. If you hear a crunchy crunchy, you’re doing it right.

So everyday we’d do a little more cutting and peeling and then Friday was what my teacher called FUN DAY. On fun day we could attempt to remove any organs we wanted from our pig as long as we asked our teacher first. Here is a picture of Evan and I on fun day after we removed the intestines and unravelled them:

I don’t understand why surgeons have to go to medical school for so long. 3 days of cutting up this pig and I feel confident enough to perform surgery on anyone. Now our day is ALMOST over. ALMOST. Fun day is the last day of slicing. If we walked away from fun day successfully we would have a perfect score. 5 minutes left of class, I witness this...

This is Evan aggressively hacking the head off our pig. With one foot on the chair for stability there is nothing stopping this guy. ‘Evan, what are you doing?’ I ask charmingly. Suddenly our teacher turns around and shouts ‘MUTILATION!’. Evan and I lose our points for that day...bloody Evan...

After all this you know what I learned? Bugger all. Thats what. 

A few more days pass and it’s the last day of Escuela. That means school for all you squares that HAVENT taken 2 semesters of spanish. I thought I would be sadder than I was to be honest. I said good-bye to some people and I knew I wasn’t going to see them again but it didn’t FEEL like I wasn’t going to see them again. It still felt like I was going to see them the next day. I guess it all hadn’t hit me yet. I leave in 3 days and it still hasn’t hit me yet. Maybe it’ll hit me when I land or maybe it’ll hit me after I’ve been in school for 2 weeks. You just never know when lady reality is going to punch you in the face. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice mutilation Jacqui, of the english language. Just kidding. Great to see you blogging again and I do love your commentary. See you soon babe.
