Sunday, 27 November 2011

Americanny things

Friends! Romans! Countrymen! Lend me your ears! Well, eyes...

Behold! My first and last AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL PHOTO! Gonna be in the year book and everything. Americanny, right? I know. 

Moving on....I think I officially failed Thanks-giving. The idea of this holiday is to stuff yourself silly with potatoes and turkey until you pass out and die. I did not do this. I had a speck of turkey and some tato but thats it. I didn’t completely fail however, as I DID stay up long enough to go BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING. Black friday is the day after thanks giving where from 12am to 12pm EVERYTHING is on a super sale. People everywhere pull all-nighters and hit the mall to get some amazing bargains. I learned that the last place I ever want to be ever is at Walmart at 12am on black friday. Horrible. Lines just to check out were curving round the block so you can’t even imagine what it’s like inside! In the end we decided we were NOT going to wait 4 hours in checkout so we just hid all our little bits and bobs around the store and agreed we’d come back at 5am when the crowds had died down to collect them. IT WORKED. Emily stashed her big George Forman grill in one of the compost bins (not a used one, one for sale) and we were stashing DVD’S behind paint cans, it was great! It was pretty calm by 5 so our plan was a total success. The only thing I bought from Walmart was about 11 kilos worth of M&M’s and a bag of Jolly Ranchers for Rachel. Fun times.

I still don’t really know EXACTLY what thanks-giving is about. I think pilgrims sat down with indians and ate turkey and they made a holiday from it. Something like that! Oooh the Macey’s thanks-giving parade in New York is also fantastic! I only saw it on telly but it was still good. So thats thanks giving.

Today is the last day of thanks-giving break then it’s back to a whole lotta school, basketball, dance, piano and one act. Speaking of one act, for those of you that care for some reason, last week we performed at Conference which is kinda like a little judged practice round so we know what we need to work on. It didn’t go so hot in my opinion. We had some technical difficulties working in the new space (Conference was in Gothenburg) and my acting was a bit crap. It’s all good though because I still won an outstanding actor award. It’s the accent that does it. I could probably say anything and it’d be an inspiring piece of art (just trickin). We have districts this week on Friday and if we place in first there we go to state. We’ll see how that goes!!!


P.S having your “ass in the air” does not mean literally having your ass up in the air. An embarrassing mistake to make.


  1. The Rachel you speak of better be me, I am now expecting Jolly Ranchers either way :)

  2. No one is better than you Ned! And I hope you realise I was talking about you...
